Press room
- 1st place - "BOAT SONGS" competition - "BOATSHOW 2006" trade fair - Łódź, November 2006
3rd place - 10th Sailing Song Festival "Keja" - Długie gm.Strzelce Krajeńskie, August 2006
Pine Paddle - People's Choice Award on 5th FPW Szantomierz Festival - Sandomierz, July 2006
1st place - "SZANTY W GIŻYCKU 2006" Festival - Giżycko, July 2006
Grand Prix - "NA FALI" Festival - Kołobrzeg, July 2006
2nd place - Sailing Song Festival "WIATR i WODA 2006 "- Warsaw, March 2006
- We've played 222 concerts
We put out 2 albums: "...the best off" and extendend DEMO
Official photo gallery
matelot logo to download
Review of our "...the Best off" album on site
Matelot on TVN WARSZAWA channel
Broadcast "Nocne Spotkania" in Polish Radio PR1 led by Mr. Marian Dachniewski - Warsaw, 21st of July, 2008
Live concert recording - Matelot & Inis An Rince - Amfiteatr Bemowo - Warsaw, 5th of July, 2008
Radio Aktywne - interview with matelot - 8th of May, 2008
Radio Kampus - interview with matelot - 4th of May, 2008
Interview with matelot -
Article about matelot -
Review of our DEMO cd -
Interview for Echo dnia newspaper - Sandomierz, July 2006
- Broadcast "Nocne Spotkania" in Polish Radio PR1 led by Mr. Marian Dachniewski - Warsaw, 28th of July, 2006
- Relay concert in TVN program (part only) - Giżycko, July 2006
- Interview for Radio Szczecin - Giżycko, July 2006
- Interview for Polish Radio PR1 - Giżycko, July 2006
- Relay concert in TVP3 (part only) - Kołobrzeg, July 2006